Get It Done Business Mum:

Episode 028: How to Get Thousands of Dollars Free PR for Your Business with Jules Brook



Would you like to see your product featured in a magazine or newspaper? How about guesting on a TV or radio show as an expert? Being featured in the media can do wonders for your business but it's almost impossible to do if you don't know anyone in the press, right? Wrong! This is just one of the myths about PR that our guest debunks in this podcast episode. Meet Jules Brook, the amazing woman behind Handle Your Own PR, DIY PR service for all businesses. With her free tools and coaching services, she has helped hundreds of small businesses and startups that don't have big bucks to spend on advertising get FREE publicity for their businesses through media and editorial coverage. Her success stories, some of which she shared in this interview, are truly inspiring and makes DIY PR seem totally doable. A point in fact: she has inspired us be more proactive around PR (resulting in an interview with Carly Flynn from Radio Live, click here to listen in!). A truly fantastic interview well worth the 45 minutes or so t