Get It Done Business Mum:

Episode 032: How to Create & Launch a Five-Figure eCourse with Kathryn Hocking



Do you want a business that empowers you to make more money, in less time? We're guessing for most of you reading this, the answer is a resounding 'hell yes!' Indeed, the majority of Mums we work with in our coaching programmes have come to us because they need help to up their income, but not their time input. And that's why we're so excited to share the story and expertise of today's podcast guest Kathryn Hocking with you. If you have a skill or expertise that you want to share and create a big impact with, but you don't know how to get it out there and make money from it, then Kathryn's story is going to get you all fired up! In this interview Kathryn argues that eCourses are the most time-effective way to package up your knowledge and expertise into an online product. Hailed as Australia's ecourse queen, Kathryn is the best person to take advice from when it comes to two  very important things: 1) translating all that knowledge in your head into fantastic ecourse content that you can share with thousands