Brokentoken Classic Arcade And Pinball Podcast

Episode 05 – Who’s BUGging us now?



Episode #05 is epic, and I don’t know any other way to put it! Brent and I strap ourselves to the chairs in the recording studio and pretty much let it roll – show notes be damned! We cover a lot of ground in this episode and there’s plenty of arcade and pinball content this month to please even the most discerning of collectors. Brent and I cover what we’ve been up to over the Christmas Holiday and New Years, talk through some current restoration project progress, visit an EPIC pinball game room with private collector Larry Pavey, talk through the latest available arcade reproduction parts, battle Brent being sick, perform an impromptu Battle Zone joystick grommet test and we even have our first ever ‘cross-podcast cameo’ with Charlie and Bug from the Spooky Pinball podcast! There’s a lot more that I’ve left out, but you’ll have to listen to get it all! Speaking of that, be sure to swap out your Walkman batteries for a fresh set of Ray-O-Vacs , because this episode weighs in a little over 6 hours (Yep – SI