Sound Beat

Fight On!



You’re listening to the Columbia Military Band with “Fight On”, recorded in 1939. Since that time “The Spirit of Troy” handles fighting duties. The University of Southern California’s Marching band is one of the oldest and most accomplished in, well, marching band history. Christened “The Spirit of Troy” in reference to their Trojan mascot, they refer to themselves as “The Greatest Marching Band in the History of the Universe” (EVER). Hard to argue, though. They’re the only collegiate band to have two platinum records… They’ve also played the Academy Awards 3 times, most recently in 2009. That year they backed Hugh Jackman and Beyonce at the Oscars, as well as Radiohead at the Grammys. They even cheered on Forrest Gump in the film, posing as Alabama’s marching band. Learn more about college football fight songs on our blog!