Infinite Energies With ~ Lisa Benitz

How Connected Are You To Your Life? ~ Lisa Benitz, Space Whisperer™



Infinite Energies with Lisa Benitz  When we lose ourselves in our lives, we often miss out on the connection. What if by shifting things you can get more clarity on why you do what you do. Let's get you connected starting today! How To Create More Money From Your Home Office ~ ~ More About Infinite Energies ~  Join Lisa Benitz, Space Whisperer™ and Founder of Creating Conscious Spaces™ on her weekly Radio show as she discusses everything from the perspective of how our spaces, affect our bodies, relationships, money, business, and so much more! What are the infinite possibilities with Infinite Energies?! When you acknowledge that all of your spaces are a reflection of what is going on in your life, you will begin to see ways to shift things to create more of what it is you desire.  What is truly special about this show?  Lisa can energetically tap into your space wherever it is in the world and read the energy