

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 727 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond I’m sure you’ve heard of the word ‘arrogance’. This word describes the ego of a person who is pretentious, vain, disdainful. Ego is a disease, it’s something that bothers the whole world, yet we live with it. Many people think it’s quite alright to be arrogant. They believe that everything that they do is better than anything else; that anyone else does. They believe that everything they do is better than what anybody else does. Why be arrogant? When I was younger, I learned that words that come from the heart, enter the heart. As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to better understand the wisdom of these words, and their profound meaning. I decided to create these lessons some time ago. The reason for doing so was an attempt to share with as many people as possible ideas, feelings, and concepts that could be helpful to listeners. Now you must know that these lessons I write about, I have learned from different people. They were broug