

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast  – Day 730 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There is a word which can be difficult to understand at times. The word is ‘entitlement’. Why would anybody think that they are entitled to some things? For instance, a person says, “I’m entitled to my rights. This is part of my being here.” Or a person may say, “I’m entitled to receive what is due to me.” An entitlement means there is a certain designation. A denomination that has been specific for that person, and this has to be given. But, if you think about it, why do you feel entitled? Perhaps you believe that you deserve the things that you want. I would like to change that term. Instead of ‘entitlement’, let’s call it a different word. Perhaps think about a word like ‘deserving’ or ‘kindly receiving’. Now, there is a difference. “Deserving” means that somebody worked for something. You may say, “Entitlement could also be deserving, they could work together.” That is true. The difference is an entitlement means it’s a right,