Inflection Point With Lauren Schiller

A Boardroom Of Our Own - Julia Rhodes Davis, and The Partnership on AI



Ask any woman who’s sat through a long meeting surrounded by men, and she could tell you how exhausting it can be: we struggle to make ourselves heard while carefully avoiding accusations of being ‘bitchy,’ ‘strident,’ or ‘shrill.’ We rarely have the kind of permission to fail that our male counterparts get. We want to take ownership of what little power is tossed our way, yet we’re always at risk of being punished for wielding such power. Which is why Julia Rhodes Davis decided to form an all-women board for the non-profit, The question is, can the empowerment that takes place in an all-women board meeting translate into actual, world-changing power once they step outside the boardroom? Listen to my conversation with Julia Rhodes Davis, Chair of and Director of Partnerships The Partnership on AI. Find out what Julia has to say about turning empowerment into power, and also shaping the future so women and minorities don’t need to be “empowered” anymore. (All views are her own. As they sh