Inflection Point With Lauren Schiller

A Survivor And Her Perpetrator Find Justice- "Reckonings" Guest episode!



On the podcast “Reckonings” host Stephanie Lepp posed the questions: “what does it sound like for a survivor of sexual assault to get her needs met?” “What does it sound like for a perpetrator to take responsibility for his sexual abuse of power?” To answer these questions, Stephanie spoke with a sexual abuse survivor and her perpetrator, who managed to work through it using restorative justice. It's an amazing story, and as part of the Inflection Point summer swap series, here is that Reckonings episode, right here in your feed. For more Reckonings episodes, go to And for more on this topic, listen to my conversation with Eve Ensler, activist, author and Tony award winning playwright, about her new book The Apology, in which Eve imagines her father (who has been dead for 31 years) writing a confessional letter to her, seeking forgiveness for sexually and physically abusing her from the time she was 5 years old. Eve hopes that other survivors will find it a release to