G4 Emotions

Depression-Anxiety (Suffering Perspective) - Step 1



What is the only thing more overwhelming than being asked to lift an unbearable load? Being asked to move while carrying an unbearable load. That is what many people feel is being asked of them when they begin a journey like this one. When you’re emotionally taxed beyond your max, then even the most practical and compassionate advice either feels like it comes from an enemy (someone against you) or a stranger (someone who “just doesn’t understand”).  There is no way around this obstacle, so let me begin by acknowledging the level of faith and courage represented in your willingness to read these words. To you it may feel like doubt and fear, but your willingness to engage this material is noble and virtuous. I wish, and I’m sure you do too, that we could just rename your depression-anxiety as something positive and it would go away, become a blessing, or become an indicator of some unseen virtue.  Those options do exist. Over the course of this study your depression-anxiety may… … diminish to a