G4 Emotions

Depression-Anxiety (Suffering Perspective) - Step 5



What are we supposed to do with bad news? Step four reveals a large amount of “bad news” – narratives we place upon our experience of depression-anxiety which leave us feeling shame or like God is absent. What are we supposed to do with that kind of bad news? The tempting answer is “make it better… spin it positive… fast… if we can use the Bible, all the better; that way we’re more likely to believe what we’re telling ourselves.” Chances are you’ve tried that and have the scars which rushed emotional change produces to prove it. So let’s ask a better question, “How does God want to care for you as you come to grips with these false narratives?” Does God want to free you with truth (John 8:32)? Yes, but he also wants to free you in a way that is bearable and sustainable. God wants your change to last and to be motivated by grace instead of shame or fear. That means God wants you to grieve the presence of suffering in your life. God does not think you are whining when you acknowledge that depress