G4 Emotions

Depression-Anxiety (Responsibility Perspective) - Step 3



This is the chapter where we trace the smoke back to its fire. Hopefully the steps you’ve taken to understand your experience of depression-anxiety have equipped you to begin to answer the “why” question more accurately. Too often, in the intensity of our emotion, we come to the “why” question as a form of desperation; wanting deliverance more than an answer that would make the next step in our journey clearer.  One of the benefits of slowing this journey down with steps is that it allows us to arrive at the “why” question in a different frame of mind. We can come to it intentionally and with the information necessary to make a sound assessment; instead of being drug to it as a “question of last resorts.”  In this chapter, we will explore the why question in three sections. Our Personal-Family History of Anxiety-DepressionBiology and Our Anxiety-DepressionOur Cognitive-Emotional Motives for Anxiety-Depression The first two areas of assessment reveal experiences of anxiety-depression w