G4 Emotions

Depression-Anxiety (Responsibility Perspective) - Step 7



As you reach this chapter the momentum of change has probably already fluctuated several times. Getting started was hard. It felt like an uphill battle. Fear and despair didn’t want to let go of you and you didn’t want to admit it had a hold on you. Doubting your emotions can feel like betraying a friend; breakups are never easy even when they’re good. But honesty with self, others, and God has a great way of building momentum. You began to let go of the weights of sin that clung to you so you could run free (Heb. 12:1). This second phase is almost always exciting. People sometimes feel unsettled by the sense of freedom that comes with emotional liberty. In the third phase, the one we’re starting now, life restructuring may begin to feel more like work again. “Implementation” is not an exciting word or process. Lasting change happens in incremental units and mundane moments. Change begins to impact moments that feel “less relevant” to your battle with depression-anxiety. The relief you’ve gained tem