Nueces Podcast

Divine Reality | Life Without God & Self-Evident Truths | Fahad Tasleem



You are listening to the Divine Reality: God, Islam and the Mirage of Atheism, a class organized by Texas Muslim Student Association and IERA, and taught by Shaykh Fahad Tasleem. This course aims to present a thorough understanding of atheism’s philosophical roots and provide key arguments from an Islamic paradigm. After listening, we hope you come to understand the powerful case for the truth of Islam, based upon rationality and spirituality, and we hope you become equipped with not only a guide to fortify your own convictions but also a tool kit to proactively invite others to the beautiful Islamic way of life. If you want to buy the book Divine Reality, or if you want to invite an instructor to your own community to teach the cause, please visit and if you want to help us continue our efforts in bringing more content to you, or the Muslim students of UT Austin, and the greater Austin community, please visit This section will look at the logical implications of a worldview that is