Canterbury Mornings

Judith Collins on Trevor Mallard, Meng Foon calling police racist and travel bubble



Speaker Trevor Mallard's job is safe, according to the Prime Minister.That's despite a statement of claim in a defamation action brought by the man he wrongly accused of being a rapist.It claims Mallard was going to make the man's reputation and conduct the centrepiece of the action - if he didn't back down.National's Judith Collins wrote to Jacinda Ardern saying he should be removed from office for the threat.Speaking with Chris Lynch, Collins said Mallard needs to be removed as Speaker immediately, and called on the Prime Minister to take action."How can the PM justify this? If he was a National speaker, she would have removed him by now."It's time Ardern puts on her big girl pants, and tells him to go. He really is unfit for the job."LISTEN ABOVE