Submarine Sea Stories | Ever Wonder What It's Like To Spend The Cold War Under Water With 100 Other Guys?

EP28: We’ve dated for 3 weeks, let’s get married and have 4 kids!



Kurt Jarrio, a 20 year submariner was a hard partying, somewhat crazy plankowner aboard the USS Minneapolis / St. Paul.  He was tied up by robbers, robbed again outside a pizza place.  He landed his wife after just a few days meeting her back in the 80’s.  They are still together with 4 successful kids who each have served or are serving in the military. Great guy, great family, great American (and funny as hell). Kurt passed out in Ft Liquordale Party time! Bob Burchfield, Bill Nowicki and Kurt Jarrio Captain Beers re-enlisting Kurt Kurt and Elaine in 1986     Kurt and his beer.   Kurt and Elaine today.