Giant Geek Vs. Mega N00b

The Sopranos (1999)



Topic: The SopranosGeek: EmilyOh, the Sopranos. We (here defined as "the TV-obsessed population of the internet) are so caught up in the last set of Mad Men episodes at the moment, or the latest season of House of Cards, or how Breaking Bad ended, or whatever prestige show we're focusing on at the moment. It's easy to forget how much we used to focus all this energy on this one amazing show about the modern-day mafia in North Jersey.Or maybe - if this week's hubbub about that infamous final scene is any indication - we don't forget at all; we're just waiting for it to come up again.Anyway, I'm being melodramatic when the real point is: this was a damn great show. And Eric's relative ignorance about it is as good an excuse as any to revisit why.The Sopranos was extremely present in my life well before I started watching it, because it was EVERYWHERE. But I didn't have HBO, so it was one of those things where you hear someone talk in great detail on Fresh Air about a club you're not a part of and you, yet again