Fbc Eugene

Gripped By Gospel Grace



This Fall, we are in 1 Peter. We are learning that the order of our salvation, from eternity past to eternity future, is the reason we can know joy beyond human expression in even the hardest of times. The Father’s sovereign plan and care for us supersedes anything we may encounter in life. When we suffer in this world, our heavenly Father uses it to refine our faith and prepare us for glory in the world to come. In following the pattern of our Master, the cross precedes the crown. This message, we will see how our confidence in the order of our salvation, so critical to handling hardships with joy, is inseparably connected to our confidence in the written word of God. The Bible reveals the order of our salvation. If the Bible is not trustworthy, then neither is our salvation. Come and learn why we can have full confidence in the divine inspiration of Scripture, that it is not the clever invention of man, but God-breathed truth revealed in human language. Please read 1 Peter 1:10-12 for this sermon