Lady Fontaine's Eye On The Future

Valentine's Day SPECIAL - The show about LOVE!



Love is in the Air!!!!  What a GREAT way to spend Valentine's Day with America's #1 Love Psychic and her co-hosts Jim Elkin and Paul LaPlaca!  Join us tonight for our Valentine's Day SPECIAL!. Call in for a FREE reading from Lady Fontaine and her co-hosts. You'll get oodles of great advice from her team of experts. In-spite of COVID-19 people are stilling finding love. Join us for tips in surviving the challenges of the pandemic quarantine. Our team of experts will give you tips on Growing Love during the Pandemic and for those who currently don't have a significant other you'll learn how to attract your Soulmate. There will be lots of discussion on love, relationships, soulmates and the best techniques to not only find love but how to KEEP IT! Dealing with a love issue? Call into the show and get your answers!!! Phone lines open at 7:45pm!  Please call early!!! Please read our Guidelines to callers on our profile!