Petra Podcast

Extravagant Love



We have been working our way through the gospel of Mark in the Bible and rediscovering the character and person of Jesus. Mark gives us these snap shots or portraits of Jesus throughout his gospel. He wants to introduce his readers to this amazing man and his amazing works. He is hoping that as we see the kind of person Jesus is and the amazing things he does that we will be convinced that he is more than a man. He wants us to grasp that Jesus was truly the son of God and is worthy of surrendering our lives to and following. Mark portrays Jesus as being in close relationship with God as his Father. He paints a picture through his stories of Jesus as a man of power and great authority. Yet this man of authority was a servant to all and was willing to suffer a cruel death on a cross so Father God would forgive us and allow us to walk in freedom and live all of eternity with them in Heaven, As we come to chapters 14- 16 and the end of the gospel of Mark he begins to focus us in on the cross and the res