Petra Podcast

Me, Myselfie and I



Ben Dodd, Petra's Counseling Ministry Director, challenges us to consider these questions and what God says about our true value and worth. Who are you when you are alone? Who or what is your source of value and worth? Does the idea of caring for yourself seem prideful or selfish? How do you treat your body on a daily basis? Are you in tune with your body? How do you want others to see you…and how closely does that line up with how you see yourself? What is the first thought that pops into your head right after you make a mistake? What thought about yourself do you focus on the most often? What is your earliest memory of becoming consciously aware of your own value and worth? Was it positive or was it negative? Who influenced it? What is the state of you spirit…Content? or chaotic? How do you think God views you? And does that view agree with all the many scriptures that speak to who we are in Christ?