Petra Podcast

Relationship with Non-Believers



Today we continue the series called “Beyond the Selfie” where we are exploring what it means to have meaningful relationships in a superficial world. This morning we will talk about building relationships with those who have not yet put their faith in Jesus. When we become a Christian we become part of God’s family. We attend church, enter into relationships with other Christians who help us grow in our faith and help us break off old unhealthy patterns in our lives. We find we now have more in common with followers of Jesus then our old set of non-Christian friends. There is both an upside and downside to this. The upside is our old sinful lifestyle has less and less of a pull in our lives. The downside is we begin to lose opportunities to reach our non-believing friends for Christ. It is a challenge to know how to break out of our old lifestyle without losing our relationships with our non-believing friends. - Sometimes they cut us off because we don’t indulge in their ungodly behavior. But let’s not