Wellness For Life Radio

Coronavirus Stress: 10 Ways to Avoid Adrenal Burnout with Dr. Michael S. Evangel



Long-term stress can result in mental and physical exhaustion, as well as adrenal burnout.We all need a certain level of stress to enjoy life. This is called “eustress.” This is a level of stress in which we can handle. But, ongoing stress releases a stress hormone called cortisol, which plummets our immunity. That is never a good thing, but is especially bad at this point in human history: the COVID-19 pandemic. Long-term stress can result in mental and physical exhaustion, as well as adrenal burnout. Staying calm and not allowing stress to get to us is the key. But that is easier said than done.Dr. Michael S. Evangel joins Dr. Susanne to discuss 10 ways to override our genetic "hard-wiring" to respond to stress in a healthier way.