Visionary Family Ministries

Love Is... Kind, Part 2.1



Open your Bibles to 1 Corinthians chapter 13, this is part two of our seven week series on an essential ingredient for the Christian life. You know what an essential ingredient is, right? It's like a necessary ingredient, so chocolate chip cookies, an essential ingredient is what? Chocolate chips. If someone comes to you and offers you a plate of chocolate chip cookies and it looks like this, you say very politely and very lovingly, you're a little confused. You thought you were being offered chocolate chip cookies because if there's no chocolate chips, it's not a chocolate chip cookie. This series is about an essential ingredient in the Christian life. If we don't have it, we don't have a Christian life. In fact, if we don't have it, the Bible goes so far as to say we don't know God. What is this essential ingredient we're talking about? Love. It is love. Look with me at 1 Corinthians chapter 13 beginning in verse one. It says, "if I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I'm a noisy