Life Full Circle W/miguel Lloyd

Anti-Establishment is on the rise: Trump, Sanders and Newton are here to stay



The preliminary rounds are over. After 6 months of waiting for the bombastic Donald Trump to fall, he is still leading the polls, driving TV ratings and scaring the Republican establishment. The Iowa Caucus is Monday. After that, its a sprint to the general elections. As far as the Democrats, Hillary Clinton isn't quite the sure winner we've been lead to beleive she is. Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist of the race, is "gaining on" Clinton poll-by-poll. Is this a good thing for the Democrats? Can he beat the GOP in the General. In sports, Super Bowl Sunday is a week away and all we've heard is the reasons why a quarterback who's lost 1 game all year, celebrates touchdown's by giving balls to kids and is revered by his teammates is a so villified by much of the NFL's fanbase. This week we are talking about the rise of the "anti-establishment" figures in our American pop culture, sports and politics. Join host Miguel Lloyd and Orlando Hughes live here on Blogtalk and live on Facebook.