Security, Mobile & Cloud - Caleb Barlow

Beware: Malware Crossing! Organized Cybercrime Comes to Town



One of the most dominant trends observed in the cybercrime during 2015 was the spread of organized crime groups to new territories.Using banking Trojans to attack banks in new geographies is a significant step because it is considered to be part of the malware’s evolution. Before they can venture into countries they never targeted before, crime groups have to invest in an adequate preparatory stage that includes reconnaissance of the banking systems in that geography. They also have to build or pay for the major components of amassing a botnet in that area: spam campaigns in the corresponding language using suitable social engineering ploys, web injections to match language and transaction authentication requirements, and local money mules they can rely on for moving the stolen money to the hands of the attackers.In this podcast we will examine some of the most impactful crossings made by malware in 2015, and unsurprisingly learn that all of them were made by major organized cybercrime groups.