Simply Steen

Brand New Show! Simply Steen.



Hey Everyone!  Over the past year, I've experienced a lot of transition, and I know some of you have too!  I missed our time on the radio, and wante to come back many times during the past 11 months. But it never seemed right....AC 165 Radio was great, and we had some great experiences, but it was time for something new.  Even though the focus of the show will be similar, the content and the format is going to change. I want to keep it simple....that's why I named the new show: Simply Steen!  The new show will still have your favorite indie music-that will never change! But we will also be discussing news, women's issues, health, relationships, and much more!  Tune into the opening show to find out more!  I can't wait to connect with you all again!  Steen