Usc® Radio Productions Ch One

Era of Spiritual Living with Rhonda Marie Brackett



Host Rhonda Brackett welcomes Carolyn Gervais, author of I Dreamed I Was Human: Awakening from the Illusion, an eloquent explanation of complex metaphysical concepts that describe how human life connects with soul and spirit. Carolyn is an ordained spiritual psychologist, certified hypnotherapist, has a Masters degree in holistic nutrition, and has been a professional singer for more than 20 years.  Her websites are and This will be a great and interesting show! Host of the show “Era of Spiritual Living”, formerly “Modern Day Spiritual Journey”, Rhonda Brackett is an internationally known host and spiritual teacher in the field of spiritual living and empowerment.  As a long time spiritual healing consultant, metaphysician, holistic practitioner, environmentalist and Law of Attraction specialist, her innermost desire is to deliver shows that are spiritual and informative in nature and provide knowledge that is helpful to others on a spiritual journey, those with