From The Bottom Of The Record Box

The Midnight Pine convince us that Enough is Enough



Welcome to this week's show where Richard brings us The Midnight Pine and their keys heavy intro masterpiece Enough. Tobin thinks he's heard this before, alas, only a dream. We uncover some unlikely connections with other San Diego favourites Creature and the Woods. We play and listen to the sonorous vocal delivery of Shelbi Bennett. However, Enough of The Midnight Pine! Richard has the bookend this week and brings us the sadly now disbanded Broken Dog. Playing to Tobin's naturally critical streak, Broken Dog's ethereal and slightly breathy vocals prompt him to take Richard to task. It's a brilliant two-song set from Martine Roberts and Clive Painter in their previous guise of Broken Dog. More sabre-rattling to come as Richard is perplexed by Moscow Apartment's outdated website gallery. No up to date photos? Only photos of the duet as teens? The clouds thereon parted and Richard's epiphany unfurled before his very eyes. Not one to steal Tobin's thunder he gallantly steps aside so that Tobin can reveal all. It