From The Bottom Of The Record Box

Jennifer Propeller - you'll fall in love



Jennifer Propeller, 3 tracks deep and a further EP in the wings. They are the self-styled dreamy end of indie-alternative melancholia. And they are a unanimous success here. It's the combination of dreamy guitars and Dalena's voice that really make Jennifer Propeller stand out. Luckily for us, we've also managed to have a sneak preview of some of their upcoming work. We can't share that with you, our listeners, just yet, so please be patient. However, the moment that JP are ready to allow release we shall be amongst the first to broadcast this excellent new material. Secondly, we have unreleased music from an unsigned and untitled band. Who'd have thought it? Two chaps in the gestation period of their new band have submitted some tunes. We've listened through the lot and offer our opinion on what we consider to be the best. You'd think that these two alone, nestled in the middle of Tobin's box-ticking bookend, would be more than enough. No. We are heading quickly into the final trimester of Season II and so w