Does Not Compute

02: Component Is Just A Fancy Word For Class



Special thanks to Hired for sponsoring this week's episode! If you are a developer looking for a job, Hired is a fantastic place to start looking. If you accept a job through Hired they will give you a $2,000 signing bonus. Even better yet, if you use our link at they'll double that to $4,000! What are you waiting for? Things Mentioned and/or Useful Items Rails image management gems: Paperclip, Carrierwave, Refile Imgix - Image management Pkgr - Deploy rails apps via Debian packages Capistrano - A remote server automation and deployment tool Slashrocket - Community focused on learning web development Smoothstate - Make any site one-page like after initial load (aka Pjax or Turbolinks) Animate CSS - A badass collection of CSS transitions and animations that make it easy to spice up your project (responsibly of course) Angular - HTML enhanced for web apps! (really?) React - A Javascript library for building User Interfaces What Backbone developers can learn from React.js Don't