Does Not Compute

04: Setting Foundations



Special thanks to Hired for sponsoring this week's episode! If you are a developer looking for a job, Hired is a fantastic place to start looking. If you accept a job through Hired they will give you a $2,000 signing bonus. Even better yet, if you use our link at they'll double that to $4,000! What are you waiting for? Things Mentioned Reactive UI's, as explained by Vue I know we talk about Vue.js a lot, so here's a similar idea from React site - Thinking in React Git things Try Git - A really great git primer Tower App - Git Cheatsheet Git gui apps Git Tower Github Desktop Gitup Vim Fugitive (if you're into vim) Mac Keyboard Shortcuts, specifically cmd+shift+/ Alexjs - Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing - Learn with Thoughtbot Today I Learned - A blog full of useful concepts by @rstacruz Is code for people or for computers? (hint: it's for people) Did you know there's an explore feature on GitHub? Because there totally is and you should check it out.