Does Not Compute

07: Syntactical Sugar



Special thanks to Imgix for sponsoring this episode! Imgix is real-time image processing as a service. Resize, crop, and process images on the fly, simply by changing their URLs! It’s FREE to sign up and easy to get started. Go to to start, or if you're still not convinced check out the sandbox - it'll do the trick for sure. If you've enjoyed the show so far, reach out to us on twitter at @seanwashington and @paulstraw, or join us in the slack community at! Also, if you haven't rated or reviewed the show yet and you'd like to do us a huge favor, you can do so here: Things Mentioned Flaticons Infinite Scrolling Why Developers Need to Lean Design Hack Design - An easy to follow design course Put chubby models on a diet with concerns ActiveSupport::Concern Webdev Challenge - Code Challenges