Does Not Compute

19: Typin' in Google



Special thanks to Hired && Dev Bootcamp for sponsoring this week's episode! If you are a developer looking for a job, Hired is a fantastic place to start looking. If you accept a job through Hired they will give you a $1,000 signing bonus. Even better yet, if you use our link at they'll double that to $2,000! What are you waiting for? Dev Bootcamp is the original short-term, immersive software development program that transforms those new to coding into job-ready, full-stack web developers. Learn front and backend web development, teamwork and leadership skills in a rigorous and inclusive environment. Dev Bootcamp has several locations around the country, and is accepting applications now. Visit to learn more. Things Mentioned The Art of the Commit GitHub Flow A Successful Git Branching Model How to Write a Great Readme Developer Tea - Intentional Problem Solving: How To Work It Out, Without Google @andrewlho - What resources are out the