Does Not Compute

20: On Demand Learning



Special thanks to Hired && Dev Bootcamp for sponsoring this week's episode! If you are a developer looking for a job, Hired is a fantastic place to start looking. If you accept a job through Hired they will give you a $1,000 signing bonus. Even better yet, if you use our link at they'll double that to $2,000! What are you waiting for? Dev Bootcamp is the original short-term, immersive software development program that transforms those new to coding into job-ready, full-stack web developers. Learn front and backend web development, teamwork and leadership skills in a rigorous and inclusive environment. Dev Bootcamp has several locations around the country, and is accepting applications now. Visit to learn more. Things Mentioned This week we don't have many links for you, but we feel the content within the linked article below deserves some real thought. It's ok to feel tired or feel like you can't keep up with the pace of the JS community