Does Not Compute

25: Falling With Style (feat. Jon Gold)



In episode 25 of Does Not Compute, Sean and Paul talk to Jon Gold about using Functional CSS to ship consistent interfaces with less code, when it's a good idea to introduce type safety to your javascript, and Jon's everlasting love of Vim Special thanks to Hired for sponsoring this week's episode! If you are a developer looking for a job, Hired is a fantastic place to start looking. If you accept a job through Hired they will give you a $1,000 signing bonus. Even better yet, if you use our link at they'll double that to $2,000! What are you waiting for? Things Mentioned Jon Gold Basscss Tachyons Tachyons Component Examples Octopus SCSS Utilities OOCSS SMACSS Expressive CSS Pure UI CSS Modules Early History of Smalltalk Immutable Objects Building and Shipping Functional CSS How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Atomic Class TypeScript Flow Jon's Vimrc File Learn to speak vim – verbs, nouns, and modifiers! Join Us On Slack If you've enjoyed the show so far, reach out t