Operator Podcast

Cassidy Phillips: From Start Up to Finish, and Beyond



Cassidy Phillips was #grinding before #grinding was a thing. In 2002, out of the desire to empower people to take care of themselves and give people a better quality of life, Trigger Point Performance Therapy was born. After experiencing debilitating, chronic pain first-hand Cassidy, a talented endurance athlete, set out to create a methodology to help others. He took an initial investment of $17,000 and turned it into $60 million in sales. Professional athletes, Olympians, and the common man benefit from the methodology Cassidy created. In our latest episode Cassidy shares the story of Trigger Point Performance Therapy, from creation and explosive growth, to the sale of his company on October 17th, 2014. Cassidy shares insights on lessons learned, his advice to other entrepreneurs — and what he's up to next.