Operator Podcast

Joah Spearman: Be Willing to Take a Job



Joah grew up in a small town. His mom worked two to three jobs to make ends meet. A key experience in his youth fueled a desire to create his own path. He began mowing lawns and selling candy to his classmates so he could afford school clothes and field trips. By middle school Joah knew he wanted to attend the University of Texas, he wanted to be a business man. Once accepted to the university, Joah had to find a way to pay for it. He applied for over 100 scholarships and won over 24 of them. Joah has had an incredible career path/ He was a speech writer for the director of FEMA,c o-founded an experiential marketing agency, created and ran a sneaker boutique in Austin, worked for a top tech company, and in 2013 Joah and his friend Chase struck out on their own to build a platform to help travelers to experience cities like locals. Joah has been named one of the Top 10 Black Innovators of 2014, named Emerging Business Leader of the Year in 2013 along, and has been a four-time finalist for Austin’s Under 40 Aw