Mosaic Church Of Clayton

The Power of Touch



Luke 15"Jesus is telling these parables because of the Pharisees and their scribes who were listening to this because they have criticized him for the time he spends with those they would consider sinners, it is up close and personal kind of time. Bumping elbows at a table, sharing food that you would all reach in and eat with fingers, hugs or handshakes of greeting at the door. Jesus is intimate. If there was ever a season where we knew the power of touch, it is right now. We see videos of people who have created huge plastic bubbles in order to be able to hug and touch grandparents, when we know what it is like to not just reach out with our normal handshakes but instead to awkwardly wave or bump elbows, when we know what it is like to want to reach out and hug someone, sit close to them but we have to stay six feet away, grandparents finally able to hold and cradle a grandchild after waiting months. We know how valuable touch is."