Claremont: The Claremont Serial Killings

S2E88: The Closing Statements: Was he just a Rapist, or a Rapist and a Murderer?



A disturbing and graphic picture of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon’s final hours was painted to the court on the second full day of the prosecution’s closing statements. Prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo told the court it was likely Ciara Glennon was overpowered by her attacker and forced into the foothold of the car. That’s how those fibres got into her hair. For the first time, it was also revealed that RH17 - the pristine hair sample was found already cut at Ciara Glennon’s crime scene - another disturbing revelation, that the hair had been cut during the attack on Ciara which killed her. The prosecutor also rebuffed the fibre contamination theories, calling them ‘preposterous’, almost adding humour into the scenarios which would have had to have played out for one of the defence’s contamination theories to hold up. One of her theories she says holds up, is Mr Edwards’ previous, admitted crimes, or the propensity evidence of attacking lone women - the Huntingdale, Hollywood Hospital and Karrakatta attacks. S