Claremont: The Claremont Serial Killings

S2E91: The Closing Statements: “If the DNA Evidence isn’t Proven, the Whole Case Falls Over”



In this episode, the Claremont in Conversation podcast team are joined by leading Perth criminal QC Tom Percy, who weighs in on the defence case, or lack of, and the seemingly new information which came out in the closing statements. In relation to the defence’s case, Tom Percy said, “You find your answer in the prosecution case, not necessarily in your own case.” During his second day of closings, Paul Yovich focussed on the PathWest practises, cleaning regimes and the 10 proven contamination events. Including one event, in which the DNA from a victim of a completely different case was found on a sample from one of the Claremont victims - a branch which was found on top of Jane Rimmer’s body. It’s led the team to wonder if the defence has placed enough doubt into the case. Another doubt the defence aimed to raise was also about the injuries on Ciara Glennon, namely the broken left thumbnail which the prosecution says was when Ciara scratched her attacker, helping produce the male DNA profile which they