Claremont: The Claremont Serial Killings

S2E94: The Closing Statements: A New Alibi



On Day 94 of the trial, and the fourth day of Paul Yovich’s closing statements, the defence focussed on Ciara Glennon’s disappearance. The court had previously been told the night the she disappeared, the accused Claremont Serial Killer Bradley Edwards was supposed to be in Dawesville seeing friends, but didn’t show up until the next morning. Those friends told the court the reason he gave for his lateness was because he was ‘trying to reconcile with his wife’. The prosecution say that night he killed Ciara Glennon and dumped her body in Eglington. But the defence put up a different reason - those witness’s memories were inaccurate and Bradley Edwards was actually breaking up with his girlfriend. But that girlfriend, who gave evidence on day 4 of the trial (titled Ex Wife and Sex Lives for a catch up) said he broke up with her in April, telling her he’d met someone else. The court heard he met his second wife on April 1. Justice Hall was quick with questions and queries for Paul Yovich, telling the defe