Ford On Food

Episode 12: Boiling Point



You often hear the term “I can’t even boil water!” when somebody describes their lack of confidence in the kitchen. Although this statement is generally said in jest, it isn't necessarily far from the truth. There are several different cooking methods requiring food to be submerged in hot liquid, and it’s worth understanding the science behind them. Boiling – would have to be the easiest method of cookery, normally water is used and cooking time is short. Controlling the heat is simple as boiling point is 100oC. The best description for boiling is bubbles rising and rapidly bursting at the surface of the liquid. Cooking vegetables with this method will lock in colours and nutrients. Simmering – is where things get a little trickier. Simmering is a gentler method of cooking as bubbles gently rise to the surface of the liquid but don’t burst. This happens around 95 to 98oC. Foods that require longer cooking time (stews and braises) appreciate the gentle simmering process. Poaching – requires vigilance and regul