Ford On Food

Episode 14: The Raw And The Cooked



It seems to me that most people are repulsed by the thought of eating fresh raw oysters. A taste for oysters ‘a la natural’ is an acquired taste, best developed at a young age but certainly obtainable later in life. I personally hadn’t seen a fresh oyster until I became an apprentice chef. I’d eaten the tinned cooked variety plenty of times, but there is simply no substitute for fresh. Ok, I admit the texture of a fresh raw oyster is slimy, gooey and challenging to say the least (there’s comparisons I won’t mention). However, in my opinion the flavour of a freshly shucked live oyster is the most exquisite gastronomic experience a person can have. Just a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of flaked sea salt – it’s evokes memories of the spray of Queensland’s tropical surf on your lips (what a dreamer!). There are two main varieties available in Australia, mostly the farmed Sydney Rock Oysters, a delicate but full-bodied flavour, or the larger Pacific Oyster. The Pacific Oysters are quite popular because of