Ford On Food

Episode 20: Perilous Prawns



I’ve discovered over the years there are just as many people claiming to be allergic to prawns, as those who can’t get enough of them. The allergic effect ranges from mild skin irritation, to claims of instant death at the mere sight of a prawn. Most cases of seafood allergy would be quite legitimate, and in some cases rather dangerous. Even my wife has had allergic reactions to them. Although, recently she’s discovered that after incorporating prawns into a meal and thorough cooking, she can enjoy them without any discomfort. Her doctor suggested it could even be a reaction to the iodine sometimes found on fresh seafood. If you discovered your allergy as a child and have never eaten them since, it might be worthwhile consulting your doctor. Prawns are a crustacean, and are found all over the world. In countries such as America they are referred to as ‘shrimp’. Australia has a diverse range of prawns available, such as Banana, Bay, Endeavour, King, School and Tiger. All have their own unique taste, flavour, c