Ford On Food

Episode 24: Sushi For Beginners



My love affair with Sushi began in the mid 90s when I worked as a Pastry Chef in a large hotel. The establishment had a Japanese Restaurant called Kabuki. I would smuggle the Japanese Sushi Chef’s desserts as a trade for their sushi and tempura. I became hopelessly addicted. Eventually, my obsession became so overwhelming, I convinced the Sushi Chefs to show me how they were made, so I could make them myself at home. I quickly discovered that Sushi is incredibly easy to make. And, although I love the raw seafood variety, you can really put anything you desire on, or in sushi. Cooked chicken, tuna, seafood sticks, avocado, vegetables, noodles… anything! Japanese cuisine has become very popular in today’s western culture. Sushi used to be the exclusive delicacy of powerful Japanese Emperors, now you can find it sold on any Australian street corner, pub, club, in most shopping complexes and airports. However, like me, many Australians are not just content to go out for their sushi; their craving is driving them