Citr -- Exquisite Corpse

Parts is Parts + a fabulous disaster



1. Animals within Animals, Parts is Parts, Who are These People?2. Animals within Animals, Parts is Parts, Sequences of War, 3. Animals within Animals, Parts is Parts, Transient Random Noisebusts with Funny Samples4. Noumena, Popular Music for Popular People, October Ninth 5. Jake Vida , Seeking a Comfortable Silence, Part 26. Clinic, Visitations, Harvest7. Genevieve Pasquier, Fairy Tale, Existence8. Les Jardiniers, Moon Patrol, Spacegirl9. Rabbit Girls, Noisehell, That Aint Right10. The Former Yugoslavia, remixes, mash-ups & reconstructions, Dream Girl (taint)11. Thunderbunnies, Battle of Britain + 7, Battle of Britain +7 (22 Century mix)12. Ill Ease, All Sysytems a-go-go, Too Much Sucky13. Oleg Kostrow, Oleg Kostrow, Todesvision14. Escape Mehanism , Free Speech for Sale, Smoke Screen15. Momus, Ocky Milk, Zanzibar16. Nurse, mp3s, Parfums Tranges17. Big City Orchestra Women's Auxiliary, Women Take Back the Noise, Dronebone18. Point Line Plane, Point Line Plane, 8-Bit Graveyard19. Fennez, Endless Summer