Citr -- Exquisite Corpse

Michael Jackson dies on our 15th anniversary?



Negativland, Escape from Noise, Michael JacksonJohn Oswald, Plunderphonics, DabSteve Fisk, Over and Thru the Night, Preamble / Love X 8 / The Firin' LineSkyway, , SkywayThe Absolute Value of Noise and Lori Weidenhammer, Laughing Dress, Ocean MythsPolmo Polpo, The Science of Breath, OarcaValet , Naked Acid, StreetsPekka Airaksinen, Wiretapper 21, Nobody is FreeTorngat, La Petite Nicole, Going Whats WhatBlank Dogs , On Two Sides, Crystal LadiesMartine H Crispo, Le Son 666, MathildeKid 606, Die Soundboy Die, The Drip,