Dramatic Dad

Family travel takes flight: The Scott’s Cheap Flights Story, Pt 2



This is part two of my chat with Scott Keyes. Part one is available https://aaronschlein.com/scott-keyes-pt-1/ (here). Scott is the founder of Scott’s Cheap Flights, which you can find at https://scottscheapflights.com (ScottsCheapFlights.com). RESOURCES MENTIONED Online community: https://www.facebook.com/scottscheapflights/ (Scott’s Cheap Flights Facebook group) Website: https://www.atlasobscura.com/ (Atlas Obscura) YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC__TABIHzr7fUz5pQL2GU4w (Where the hell is Matt?) HIGHLIGHTS ([2:05]) 1.5 million subscribers and the name that just stuck ([3:25]) The international team ([4:55]) The customer’s best interests ([6:55]) Nobody really knows what a flight is supposed to cost ([8:07]) Buying one flight over the next 12 years pays for your subscription to Scott’s Cheap Flights. ([9:07]) Eye-popping cheap flights ([9:35]) Family travelers get the most value. ([11:45]) Dreaming of Socotra ([12:43]) Scott’s Cheap Flights F