New Pathway To Healing With Petey Silveira

New Pathway To Healing: An Interview With Suzanne Giesemann



Suzanne Giesemann has experienced one of the most unique career transitions ever – a career transition that spans dimensions.  Currently she is a spiritual teacher, the author of ten books, inspirational speaker and professional intuitive who captivates audiences as she brings hope, healing, and comfort through her work.  Formerly she served as a U.S. Navy Commander with a prestigious career including her role as Aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11.Suzanne’s gift of communication with those on the other side has provided stunning evidence of life after death. Her work is recognized as highly credible. She has contributed to the work of noted researcher, Dr. Gary E. Schwartz, Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona in his projects involving advanced work in the evolution of science and spirituality.We will be discussing Suzanne’s newest literary work, “Wolf’s Message.” This is only one of the many accolades quoted about this book! "